Standort Neues Bauhausmuseum Weimar

Audio Guide Standort Neues Bauhausmuseum


Neues Bauhausmuseum is a modern and significant cultural place in Weimar, Germany, opened in 2019 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of Bauhaus. The museum was established to celebrate and preserve the legacy and influence of Bauhaus, one of the most influential schools of art and design in history.

Interesting fact: Bauhaus was founded in 1919 in Weimar by Walter Gropius. This school brought together various forms of art, including architecture, design, and painting, and became a pioneer in modern art and design.

The museum building itself, designed by German architect Heinz Mehlhorn, is a work of art in modern architecture. It embodies the design principles that Bauhaus advocated—clean lines, functionality, and modernity.

It serves as a home to a rich collection of exhibits related to the history of Bauhaus. These exhibits tell the story of the school, its students and teachers, and the impact it had on the world of art and design.

Furthermore, Neues Bauhausmuseum is not just a place to store the past but a venue for contemporary discussions. The museum regularly hosts exhibitions and events, providing the public with the opportunity to discuss the ideas and concepts that Bauhaus brought to the world of art and design.

The museum features a cafe and a souvenir shop, making it an excellent place for relaxation and shopping for unique gifts.