Parkhöhle Weimar

Audio Guide Parkhöhle


Parkhöhle (Park Cave) in Weimar is a historical architectural landmark located in the center of the city, within the Weimar Castle Park. This cave was created in the romantic style in the 18th century as part of the landscape design of the park.

The Park Cave is an artificial underground cave with a labyrinth of passages and chambers. The interior of the cave is adorned with natural and artificial elements such as stalactites and stalagmites, arches, and stone walls. These elements give the cave a mysterious and mystical appearance.

The creation of Parkhöhle was part of the "romantic landscape" movement, which aimed to create natural and picturesque landscapes for leisure and contemplation. In the past, the cave was a popular spot for walks and relaxation for both the city's residents and visitors to Weimar.

Today, the Park Cave is an intriguing tourist attraction and an architectural monument. Visitors can explore its labyrinths, stroll through the park, and enjoy the scenic beauty of nature and architectural details. The cave is also used for cultural events and exhibitions.