Neues Museum Weimar

Audio Guide Neues Museum


Neues Museum Weimar is a historical museum that was opened in 1869 and is considered one of the first museums in Germany. Its collections and exhibitions focus on various aspects of the region's history, culture, and scientific research.

The museum's main feature is its exhibition that tells the story of the geological profile of the Weimar travertines. Travertine is a sedimentary rock formed from calcium-rich water and characterized by distinct textures and colors. These travertine formations are of great geological significance and are often associated with the natural and cultural landmarks of Weimar and its surroundings.

In the museum's exhibition, you can find extensive information about the origin and structure of the Weimar travertines, their historical role, and their use in architecture and construction. Visitors can learn how these travertine formations formed millions of years ago and how they influenced the development of the region and its culture.

The museum also provides information on other aspects of Weimar's cultural and historical heritage, including art, literature, the city's history, and its surroundings. Neues Museum offers a unique opportunity to delve into the rich history of this part of Germany and better understand the connection between geology and the region's culture.