Reiterstandbild Carl August Weimar

Audio Guide Reiterstandbild Carl August


The "Carl August" monument in Weimar is a historically significant statue dedicated to Duke Carl August.

The monument was created in 1875 to honor Duke Carl August, who ruled over Weimar for a century. This marked a significant event in the city's history, and the monument was erected to commemorate this important jubilee. The sculptor of the statue was Adolf von Donndorf, a German artist and sculptor.

The monument features a bronze statue of Duke Carl August on horseback. This style of statues, known as "equestrian monuments" or "Reiterstandbild," was popular in 19th-century Europe and symbolized the military and political achievements of leaders.

"Reiterstandbild Carl August" is one of the most well-known and recognizable monuments in Germany. It has become a symbol of Weimar and attracts numerous tourists and art enthusiasts interested in history and the arts.

The monument is located on Stefan Hessel Square, one of the central squares in Weimar. This place has become an important center for cultural and social events, with the monument serving as a prominent focal point in the area.

Duke Carl August was a significant figure for Weimar. His rule marked a flourishing period for art, literature, and culture, and the monument serves as a reminder of Weimar's golden age during his reign.