DomAquarée Berlin
Audio Guide DomAquarée
DomAquarée is a complex of buildings in Berlin, located in the historic district of Nikolaiviertel, known for its ancient architecture and historical monuments. DomAquarée was built in the early 2000s and represents a modern architectural complex that includes office buildings, residential spaces, restaurants, shops, and entertainment facilities.
One of the most prominent features of DomAquarée is its enormous aquarium, which is situated inside the complex. This aquarium is one of the largest in Germany and houses over 2,500 different species of fish and other marine creatures. Visitors can enjoy the amazing underwater world and observe the life of fish and other marine animals.
The initiator and developer of the DomAquarée complex in Berlin was the German company "Märkische Faser GmbH." This complex was conceived as a mixed-use facility, including residential, commercial, and entertainment functions, with a focus on the large aquarium as one of its main attractions. It was created to attract both tourists and local residents and become a center for attractive entertainment events in the heart of Berlin.
DomAquarée also offers various entertainment and cultural events, including concerts, exhibitions, and special activities. The complex also features restaurants and shops where visitors can savor culinary delights and purchase souvenirs.
This complex is appealing to both tourists and locals, providing a unique opportunity to appreciate the beauty and diversity of the underwater world right in the heart of Berlin.
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